This is one hostel that you should definitely check out.
The Hostel Aphrodite is run by a great team who are very knowledgeable and will do everything possible to make your visit here even more enjoyable.
Situated in a quiet residential area in the centre of Athens, you will find yourself close to rail, bus, laundries, banks, mail facilities, supermarkets, as well as within walking distance of the National Archeological Museum.
We are also recommended by:
Lonely Planet Guide books
Let’s Go (Western Europe and Greece)
Rough Guide
Hostels of Europe (Hoe)
Europe by train
Hostels. com
As well as being a member of the International Youth Hostel Federation (IYHF)
- We have private rooms for 1, 2, 3 or 4 people, and also dormitories available.
Some rooms with private facilities.
Air conditioned rooms.
Showers with hot water 24 hours.
Some rooms with balconies.